Friday, September 12, 2008


Rest in peace to all those who lost their lives seven years ago in the attacks of 9/11.

Rest in peace to all those brave soldiers that have died protecting our freedoms.

Rest in Peace to "The Bear". Former Texas Western coach (now UTEP) , Don Haskins died on Sunday. Haskins was introduced to many in the Disney film Glory Road. Haskins's 1966 Texas Western team was inducted into the Basketball Hall of fame last year. This team is credited with helping break down racial barriers in basketball when it beat Kentucky in the championship game. Former Kentucky guard and 2008 Hall of Fame inductee, Pat Riley stated, "That game was the emancipation proclamation of basketball".

Rest in Peace to those victims of terrorists, war and racism. Coach Haskins one said,

" Basketball is NOT a complex game. It is a simple game played by complex people."

One could reason that those words of wisdom should apply to life as well.