Sunday, August 10, 2008

From Brian McCormick's Blog

From CrossOver Movement site:

Knee Injury Prevention August 6th, 2008
I received a link to the following article and finally got around to reading it. The article makes a couple of compelling points about knee injury prevention:
- “What we find is the problem is really coming from a bad hip or ankle,” Sanzio says. “The knee hurts because it has to compensate.”
- You can have great mobility but lack strength and get hurt, he says. Or you can have super strength and lack flexibility and get hurt. “Finding out the right combination of limb control will help you prevent injury and excel at the sport you want to play, as well,” Physical therapist Pete Sanzio of Performance Health Technologies says.
- Women tend to land more straight-legged when stopping, pivoting and jumping in sports such as basketball, volleyball and skiing. The force of the straight-legged landings causes the tibia to shear forward, rupturing the ACL. “Through biomechanical training, we can train athletes how to land…”