Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Heat Helping SA Kids get in school!

I must mention the administration of the SA Heat. Heat General Manager, Jim Noland, emailed me at the request of Heat Director, Koby Cantu about San Antonio power forwards needing a school to go to. Apparently, a Division 2 college is looking for a capable power forward and the school reached out to the Heat in an effort to find one. Jim Noland then emailed numerous club coaches to notify them about the available scholarship.

This cooperation in getting kids into school is what the city needs. The lines of club affiliation are definite but the goal of all clubs should be helping these young ladies use basketball to educate themselves. The Heat apparently understands the bigger picture. Their 2009 power forward already had her college future lined up, so they reached out to help another.

To the Heat, have a great July and rep SA well. Great Job!!!